The WBAT Support Team incorporates requests from the WBAT Community with each platform enhancement, ensuring WBAT remains an integral tool in your safety management system.
Please feel free to contact the WBAT Support Team with any questions.
Expanded Executive Summary Functionality
Executive Summaries are now available for all top-level objects. For example, Executive Summaries can be enabled and configured for LOSA Summaries, SRAs, or Audits. The Executive Summary must be enabled by the WBAT Support Team, but any Administrator or Analyst can create the source query and related analyses for the Executive Summary.
Executive Summaries are now also available in the Administration employee group. Executive Summaries in Administration will display data from all employee groups, including Administration.
A new privilege for “Executive Summary Viewer” that is specific to an employee group and object-type has been added. The privilege is available for each Executive Summary.
Additional RAT Worksheets Available to Add to Forms
Similar to other report-types, the RAT can now have multiple forms, with each form having its own custom worksheet. For example, if your organization has two distinct types of operations, such as fixed wing versus rotor wing, and each operation needs its own custom RAT, you can create a form for each with its own worksheet.
The labels for “Leg” and “Weight” on the RAT are now customizable. Examples of a new label for “Leg” might be “Shift” and “Flight,” and a new label for “Weight” might be “Score” or “Value.”
Other Enhancements
- The Threat and Error Management (TEM) section on the LOSA V2 form can now be hidden, transforming the LOSA V2 into a simpler, survey-style form with Phases and Sub-Phases as well as a single drop-down list per Sub-Phase.
- A new privilege, “Safety Notice Manager,” has been added to allow specific individuals to create and edit Safety Notices as well as view which users have acknowledged a Safety Notice and those who have not (i.e., unacknowledged users). This privilege is specific to employee group.
- For Safety Notices, the date/time a user acknowledges the Safety Notice is now logged and displayed when viewing the list of acknowledged users.
- Safety Notices now require a title in addition to the description text. The title is a short text field compared to the description’s memo field. The title is now also the text displayed when users see the list of Safety Notices at the top of the “My Reports” or “Employee Reporting” screens.
- The Print view warning has been updated to be based on NPRM Docket Number: FAA–2021–0733.
- An organization can now request from the WBAT Support Team that the SRA process will require a Consequence/Risk for each Hazard that is added to an SRA. For example, if an SRA is created and a single Hazard is added, the user will be required to also add a Consequence/Risk before submitting the SRA.
- For systems using an extended risk matrix, the risk factor in the matrix is now outlined when both severity and likelihood have been selected.
- Performance has been improved for the WDC for both single-object queries and Cross-Object-Type (COT) queries.
- All ASRS transactions are now reflected in the transaction log, including requests to send a report to ASRS and requests to retract a report from ASRS.
Bug Fixes
- Corrected an error in the Meeting search.
- Corrected an error when generating TDE files from queries.
- Corrected the link in tickler emails to allow users to easily navigate to the related message in WBAT.
- Corrected an issue preventing the Event Viewer Notification from being sent when the New Summary workflow was triggered by a new summary being created.
- Corrected an issue when copying ASAP or Incident report queries in a split system, preventing errors in the copied queries.
- Corrected an issue that allowed the WBAT system to attempt to submit duplicate submissions.
- Returned the option of adding employee number to the Other Employees section on submission forms.
- Updated the SRA approval process to ensure approvals were occurring for all variations of approval flows.
- Expanded the Meeting Minutes text box on the Analyst view of the Meeting agenda.
- Limited the type of characters and count of characters allowed in the FAA Quarterly Report Safety Enhancement Title to align with the FAA’s database requirements.
- Improved the performance and decreased the loading time of specific module screens by reducing the number of data queries being run in the background to display the count of closed objects.
- Updated the Executive Summary source query in combined systems to allow the user to select ASAP=Yes/Incident=No or ASAP=Yes/Incident=Blank, and vice versa for Incident Executive Summary source queries.
Taxonomy Updates
Category |
Attribute |
safety-notice-processing |
title |